Date: 29th Mar 2025
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ECB UMPIRING COURSE for anyone wishing to make a start.

Date: 6th June 2024

ECB UMPIRING COURSE for anyone wishing to make a start.

Sunday 14 July at Whitefield CC 9.30 to 4pm

ECB Umpiring Course – Liverpool (at Whitefield CC)

Sunday 14 July    09.30 to 16.00

This course is designed to give new umpires the key skills, knowledge and confidence to stand as an umpire in cricket. Ideal for volunteers umpiring club and junior matches, although no prior experience of umpiring in cricket is required.

Whether you plan to support Junior Softball cricket through to adult cricket, this course will give you a basic understanding of umpiring the game.

It is a practical one day course – indoors and outdoors. Learners will be asked to complete some e-learning prior to attending the course, taking no more than 90 minutes to complete. Pre-learning can be completed via multiple visits or in one go.

Pre-requisites: You must be 14 or over (at the time of the course) and if under 18 parental permission must be obtained before you proceed

Cost £70.00 * Includes your Year 1 ACO Membership Fee (£30), an ACO Umpires T-Shirt and a Clicker.

Post course, learners will have the confidence and competence to go and umpire at appropriate levels within recreational cricket.

To book:


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