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DAVID MOSS - a tribute from the Comp. - UPDATED

Date: 6th July 2023

DAVID MOSS - a tribute from the Comp. - UPDATED

All games 8/9 July to be preceded by a minutes applause for David.


We at the Liverpool Competition were hugely saddened to learn of the sudden and untimely death last week of David Moss. We know that this sadness is shared by a significant number of Liverpool Competition players, past and present, who have greatly benefited from playing in teams managed by David, been coached by him, learnt from him, and above all, know what a thoroughly nice and caring man he was.

We therefore pay a brief tribute to a man who, in addition to his excellent work in Schools cricket with Manchester Grammar School and National bodies, devoted much, if not all, of his time to developing young cricketers in the county that he loved, Lancashire, despite being born in Yorkshire.

 For over 30 years, initially as a volunteer and latterly as part of the County staff, David managed and administered every aspect of Lancashire cricket being played by 16, 17 and 18 year old players. He did so with great care, efficiency and passion and in a manner that endeared him to everyone with whom he met.

His most recent role as the County’s Pathway Manager and Lead Scout also saw him as an Educational Advisor to all the young players in his charge, something that he had considered as part of his role from his very first day of involvement, many years previously.

David will always be remembered for developing players through to County and Test Level such as Michael Atherton, John Crawley and Mark Chilton and more recently the likes of Matthew Parkinson, Haseeb Hameed and George Bell, and rightly so.

In addition, his legacy however, can be seen today in the scorecards of all the cricket leagues in Lancashire, including our own League, where the names of hundreds of players, all helped and guided by David are playing and enjoying quality cricket every weekend.

John Williams

On behalf of Lancashire Cricket Club I would like to thank the Liverpool Competition for honouring David in this fashion. What has become very clear since he passed away is the number of people who have been positively influenced by David over many years, and that is something he would be very humbled by. As a close friend and colleague of David’s, I know he enjoyed every minute of his work within the game, he gave his life to supporting the development of young cricketers and will be greatly missed.

Mark Chilton

In tribute to David, the Liverpool Competition is calling on all games over the weekend 8/9 July to be preceded by a minutes applause.

Love Lane L&DCC Management Committee 

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