Date: 29th Mar 2025
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Date: 19th March 2025

Full explanation of how each age group operates below.

              Under 11s is a schedule where each team plays each other once only under Pairs Cricket rules. At the end of this schedule a new set of leagues/fixtures will be build based on teams that want to continue               in pairs cricket and those that want  to play standard rules (T16). Teams will carry forward any points gained in the first part of the season. Details of the Under 11s Lancashire Knockout qualifiers will be                   published in due course.

             The Under 13s season begins with 2 weeks of qualifying matches for the Lancashire Knock Out, where only Competition Division teams are involved. All other teams are free to organise friendly games if                desired. After these rounds the semifinal and final will be organised based on Play By dates. Note this is not a cup competition for the league, once we get the league season running, we will look at the                    feasibility for a competition for all teams.

The Under 15s season begins with 1 week of qualifying matches for the Lancashire Knock Out, where only Competition Division teams are involved. All other teams are free to organise friendly games if desired. If you look at the qualifiers schedule, Week 1 has 1 preliminary round game (Sefton Park vs. Wallasey) and 3 quarter final games. After these rounds the semifinal and final will be organised based on Play By dates. Note this is not a cup competition for the league, once we get the league season running, we will look at the feasibility for a competition for all teams.

You will also note that the Under 15s Competition division is a league wide setup rather than a North/South split.

The Under 18s season begins on w/c June 23rd.

You may find that 2 teams have a free week at the same time in some divisions, which might appear to be odd. This is caused by the need to balance teams in the same club that have to share a ground but are in different divisions.

There are a few final changes that might need to be made with some clubs that hold county/representative games. I hope to sort these out in the next 48 hours, and I will be in touch directly with any teams involved if needed.

The Under 9s Groups – North 1 North 2 South 1 South 2 are to follow.

A pre-season meeting for all clubs, via Zoom, is to be held on Wednesday 2 April (7pm - link to be sent to all Club Junior Leads) and we would encourage you to get as many of your team managers/coaches to attend that. At that session I will publish all of the necessary documents and regulations that you will need for the season.


The most important thing that you need to do now is update your Play Cricket details so that all the teams you have entered have a recorded team manager with contact details. If you don’t know how to do this then speak to you own club Play Cricket Administrator. If you are still stuck, then I will try to help but I do not have access to each club’s data.

Many thanks for your patience on this;  I didn’t get all the information I needed from each club until late last week so there has been a delay. If you have any questions about the fixture schedules, please get in touch ASAP.


Neil Crew


Liverpool Competition Junior Cricket League



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