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DISCIPLINARY ACTION TAKEN (9) from 6 July, 27 July and 3 August

Date: 8th August 2024

27 July Birkenhead Park v Formby Premier Division

Khalid Wahbi (Birkenhead Park) found in breach of Level 1 b showing dissent at umpires decision by word or action. One week ban.

Ist Breach effective from midnight 2 August. On players record for 24 months.


6 July Southport Trinity v Sutton Division 2

Following a Disciplinary Hearing on 31 July 2024 the following outcomes were recorded.

Mark Prince (Southport Trinity) was found not in breach of Level 3 (m), intimidating an umpire by language or gesture and the case was dismissed

Bobby Eyes (Southport Trinity) was found not in breach of Level 2 (i), making inappropriate and deliberate physical contact with another player, but found to be in breach of a level 1 offence in accordance with Level 1 (g), i.e. other misconduct, the nature of which is equivalent to a Level 1 offence. 

The panel issued a reprimand to the player on the basis that he had already served a one week ban for another Level 1 offence in the same match. This remains on the player’s record for 24 months as a second breach.


3 August Liverpool v St Helens Town Division 1

Adam Burton (St Helens Town) found in breach of Level 1 c using language which is obscene and offensive. one week ban.

1st breach effective from midnight 9 August.  On the player’s record for 24 months. 

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