Date: 8th Sep 2024
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Date: 13th January 2023

Welcome to Irby CC; Umpires fees increased; Cups stay at 45 overs and

The outcome of the Motions put to the AGM ON Tuesday 10 January are detailed below:

  1. Irby CC were formally admitted as a Full Member Club
  2. Mossley Hill and Prescot and Odyssey were admitted as Associate Member Clubs 
  3. Balance Payments are due from Clubs by 30 September (previously October)
  4. Proposal to add Right of Appeal to Playing Regulations – Defeated    5 - 30 against
  5. Proposal to alter rules when team bats beyond 60th over – Defeated  2  – 36 against
  6. Proposal for Saturday 3RD X1 matches to start at 12.45  - Carried 33  – 1 in favour
  7. Proposal to re alter penalties and fines for conceding defaulting a match. Carried  38-0 in favour
  8. Proposal to apply 11 game count back rule when 1st X1s play on a different day to their 2nd X1 Saturday 2nd X1s play on a different day to their Saturday 3rd X1 - Carried 34-0 in favour.
  9. Umpires Fees:  Proposal to increase to £65 for 1st X1 League and 45 over Cups, £30 for weekday t20 and £35 for weekend t20. – Carried 34 -1 in favour.  
  10. Proposal to reduce all 45 over cup games to 40 overs – Defeated 18-14 in favour ( Did not reach 2/3 required)

Love Lane Liverpool and District Cricket Competition

12 January 2022

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