Date: 29th Mar 2025
L&DCC is not responsible for Third Party websites


Date: 22nd November 2024

Message to all clubs, officials players and members.


The Love Lane Liverpool and District Cricket Competition currently operates with 52 Senior Clubs 12 Divisions, 8 Divisions of Womens and Girls Cricket and a Junior League with 17 Divisions. We play representative cricket at Senior level, 6 Boys age groups and 3 Women and Girls teams.

The Committee Structure to manage the League in accordance with ECB, LCF and ECB Premier League requirements is as follows:

Executive Management Committee: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Fixture and Registration Secretary, Chair Club and Ground, Chair 3RD X1, Chair Women and Girls, Chair Junior League.

Extended Management Committee: Aboveplus President,Women and Girls Cricket Officer, Junior League Secretary, plus Chairs of other Sub Committees, as necessary.

Sub Committees Women and Girls, Junior League, Club and Ground, Disciplinary Committee, 3RD X1 Committee, Cup Competitions Committee, EDI Committee, League Integration Committee (recently established)

We are extremely grateful to those individuals currently serving within the above structure, including the Assistant Result Secretaries and all those within the League that give help when needed.  

Those giving their time as elected officers and volunteer helpers in clubs will know that administrative and legislative requirements, as well as everything else needed to run a club, have significantly increased in recent times. Similarly, the responsibility, duties and actions now required to effectively manage a Cricket League bear little relation to several years ago.  

Put simply, the League needs more volunteers to help.

As we approach the AGM in January, we need to strengthen the membership of the Management Committee and Sub-Committees and ask clubs, their officials, players, and members, to consider joining us to help manage the League.

There is plenty to do and we would particularly like to hear from those with Commercial, I.T, or Social Media skills to help us take the League forward.

In addition, as reported to the ECB in our Annual return, our Management Structure is not representative of all the players, men, and women (1700+) taking part in matches every week. Therefore, we would particularly welcome interest and input from minority ethnic officials, players and members from clubs in our League.

For further information or an informal discussion please contact

Eddie Shiff 07934311684   

or Dave Lee 07717172602



Love Lane L&DCC Management Committee

21 November 2024


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