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Unconfirmed Results on Play Cricket

Date: 24th April 2023

Potential Fineable event

Unconfirmed Results on Play Cricket Scorecards

Opening Weekend – 15 / 16 April

The following away teams appear not to have clicked the “confirm” button on the Results section of Play Cricket (using “Site Administration / Day to Day / Results).

This is a potentially fineable event as per Playing Regulation 10.3.4 “

      1. All matches: the away team will be responsible for ensuring that the full scorecard of its match is checked on Play-Cricket by 7.00 pm on the Wednesday following a Saturday fixture (Thursday/Friday for a Sunday/Monday fixture). If any changes to the scorecards are made by the away team, the home team must be advised so that it can reconfirm the details.

Clubs are :-

Alder - 4th XI

Colwyn Bay - 2nd XI

Irby - 1st XI

Norley Hall - 2nd XI

Orrell RT - 1st XI

Oxton - 3rd XI

Prestatyn - 2nd XI

Spring View - 3rd XI


The following Home teams also appear not to have confirmed the results on Play Cricket.

Alder – 2nd XI

Irby - 2nd XI

Ormskirk – 1st XI

Orrell RT - 2nd XI and 4th XI MC


Rob Durand

Results Sec - Management Cttee 

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