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Date: 12th June 2023

Recommendation from Comp EDI Working Party

As a cricket league the Liverpool Competition is determined to deliver equity, diversity and inclusion in cricket to make sure everyone feels that cricket is a game for them. Inclusive clubs win all around – attract more members, a diverse range of volunteers, better players and form cohesive cricket communities.

As a first step our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Working Party has produced the following four recommendations:-

1. Each Club to appoint its own EDI officer and EDI to appear as a standing item at cricket section business meetings

2. Captains of all teams recommended to view the ECB anti-discrimination video (if not already) and pass the course quiz. 

3. All Clubs are asked to review their own membership policies to ensure they remain inclusive and welcoming. For example, if clubs are offering family memberships, particular attention should be given to the status of same-sex couples to ensure there is no disadvantage compared to heterosexual couples.

Clubs should also consider whether disability memberships are appropriate to encourage wider participation.

4. To encourage social diversity in cricket, particularly junior cricket, clubs are asked to consider the provision of free or reduced cost places on their primary school age coaching schemes for children who could not normally afford them, for example by developing links with a local primary school. (We know that a number of clubs already do this).


Management Committee

12 June 2023

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